Welcome to PoetryCorner, a space where poetic art thrives. Here, I am free to express myself in unique and passionate ways, without fear of judgment or limitations. I invite you to join me in exploring the latest additions to my corner of the poetic world. Let's discover together the beauty and power of language through the art of poetry.
A New Identity
A new identity
An identity of serenity & peace
An identity in you
That lives deep inside of me.
So soft, so sweet
So gently & calm
A love so pure
That keeps me safe within your arms.
An everlasting grace
That I can't get enough of
This identity in you
Is the truth we are all in search of.
White as a dove
Smooth as honey
No silver or gold
No amount of money.
Can compare to the joy
That you bring to me
Because of the love of Jesus Christ
I have a new identity.
A New Identity Inspo.
In March 2023, I gave my life to Christ and everything changed. I felt like a completely different person and knew I had to write about it. God had blessed me with so many talents and gifts, and I wanted to use them all to bring glory to His name. That's when I wrote A New Identity, my very first poem as a born-again believer. It's a gentle and sincere piece that captures the essence of my new life in Christ. I'm so grateful for the new identity He's given me, and I pray that this poem can encourage others to seek the same transformation in their own lives.